Now is a good time to pay a visit to our team of dental professionals. Before 2020 ends, we hope you will get a chance to visit our general dentist’s office. Here are a few reasons why we think you should:

Maintain Your Health

The American Dental Association recommends routine dental checkups in addition to your daily brushing and flossing. As part of your general dental care, we can remove plaque and tartar buildup. By doing this, you can reduce your risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and more serious issues.

Keep What You’ve Paid For

If you have dental insurance, you likely are having something taken out of your paycheck for premiums. Many plans include basic preventive care, but the benefits of those plans are often limited to the calendar year. Don’t lose what you’ve been paying for.

Count On Safety

Providing a safe and sanitary environment has always been essential in our practice. Given everything that has happened this year, we have implemented new protocols to keep you and our team members as safe as possible.

We look forward to seeing you soon. Call 704-766-8662 or fill out our online form to plan your visit to Dancausse & Hoy General Dentistry in Charlotte, NC.